Le saviez-vous ? Le viagra a fêté ses vingt ans en 2018. Cette petite pilule bleue a été mise au point par le laboratoire Pfizer, qui a découvert ses propriétés par hasard, alors qu’il cherchait un moyen de soigner les angines. Le prix du viagra est dissuasif, et le fait de devoir passer par un médecin peut aussi détourner les potentiels acheteurs. Cependant, il est possible d’en trouver sur internet directement. Vous devez vérifier qu’il s’agit bien d’une pharmacie agréée et répondre à un formulaire médical avant de poursuivre votre achat. En effet, aller à des pharmacies agréées proposent de vous vendre la petite pilule bleue en ligne. C’est un moyen détourné de recevoir votre Viagra sans ordonnance médicale mais avec l’avis d’un professionnel de santé.

Vanguard Aviation Services specializes in a wide array of solutions catered specifically to the Aviation industry. Our technically competent team adhere to ICAO & CAA standards, and have carried out works in aerodrome for clients such as MODES, RAFO, PDO, OXY, OAMC, Hill International, MAF-Dalkia, NassAsphalt, etc…
Some of our services include:
– Supply & Installation of Airfield & Helipad Lighting Systems
– Photometric Testing
– Runway Friction Testing
– Runway Rubber & Paint Removal
Vanguard Civil & Electro-Mechanical Contracting are always committed to complete projects with the highest level of quality and within the agreed time constraints, our experienced and motivated team is an invaluable addition to the organization’s success in the field of construction & maintenance. Some of our services include Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Fighting, CCTV & Access Control, HVAC, Steel Structures and Sanitary Works. The wide range of clients we cater to include but not limited to:
– Residential: Private Villas, Apartment Buildings & Complexes, Housing Compounds, etc…
– Commercial: Office Buildings, Corporate Headquarters, Commercial Centers, Shopping Malls, and Hyper Markets.
– Industrial: Utilities infrastructure, Oil & Gas infrastructure, Solar Photovoltaic farms, Warehouses, Workshops and Factories.
– Institutional: Schools, Colleges, Universities, Academies, Masjids, etc…
– Governmental: Embassies, ministries, government agencies, municipalities, consulates, etc…
– Hospitality: Resorts, Hotels, Hostels and Recreational Facilities, etc…
– Health Care: Clinics, Hospitals, Medical Research Centres, Quarantine Facilities, etc..
One Stop Shop for all your requirements
• CCTV, Access Control, Security, Master Clock, Paging, CATV, Anti Virus and Time Attendance systems
• Cyber Security, Forensic Solutions, Data Protection, TSCM & Development
• Networking (Data Communications, Telecoms, and Fiber Optic) Infrastructure
• Website Design and Application Development
• Installation and maintenance of hardware and softwatre
• Vulnerability Assesment and Penetration Testing
• Data Center Planning
• BSS/OSS Implementation
• Implementation Support
Vanguard NDT & Asset Integrity Solutions specializes in providing oil & gas inspection services on static metallic assets. In collaboration with our international partners, we offer basic and advanced methods, depending on our clients requirements. Some of our clients include PDO, OXY, OQ, etc…
Basic NDT:
– Ultrasonic Testing
– Thickness Gauging
– Magnetic Particle Testing
– Penetrant Testing
– Radiography Testing
– Visual Testing
– Hardness Testing
– Oxide Scale Thickness Measurement
– Remote Visual Inspection
– Hardness Testing
Advanced NDT:
– Hybrid Acoustic Technology System
– Hybrid Valve Inspection Technology
– Metallic Magnetic Memory
– Internal Rotary Inspection System
– Magnetic Flux Leakage
– Long Range Ultrasonic Testing
– Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing
– Remote Field Electromagnetic Testing
– Eddy Current Testing
– Eddy current Array
– Pulsed Eddy Current
– Surface Eddy Current
– Time of Flight Diffraction
Vanguard Water Technologies provides sustainable solutions for water network infrastructure, water conservation & leak detection surveys, water treatment plants & wastewater treatment plants. Some of our clients include BP, MODES, RAECO, Schlumburger and Halliburton.
Vanguard Roads & Bridges Contracting are specialists in the Construction, Maintenance and Inspection of Roads and Bridges. Some of our specialities are in niche services such as crack sealing, seal coating, micro surfacing, asphalt & expansion plug joint systems, skid resistance inspections and roughness testing.
Our expertise is reflected in the core team skills of our people. Our team comprises of skilled professionals backed by decades of experience. A quality driven enterprise, our aim is to provide leading-edge technology and services.
Our commitment to Safety standards are globally bench marked with a client base of local and international organisations. We are a highly skilled technical team of experts with a pro-active approach to providing the best in Technology and Services. Our ever expanding client list reflects our deep commitment to providing quality driven products and services to the industry within which we operate. We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company.
VSSI has operated for over 10 years without a Lost Time Incident (LTI) throughout its portfolio of services since start-up. This commendable record is attributed to the Management and Team commitment towards the Health, Safety, Security and Environment Policy. Our HSSE commitment is backed by a dedicated focus on Safety Training and Awareness.
VSSI operates under a strict business ethics policy ensure the actions of the Company’s employees, contractors, directors and owners all operate at the highest level of ethical behavior.
Some of our prestigious clients