Rapidwall is a single panel walling system that serves as both the internal and external wall and eliminates the need for bricks, blocks, timber and steel wall frames and plasterboard linings. It is the most ecologically sound and technologically advanced building product available in the world today. Vanguard Systems & Services International LLC procures RapidWall directly from HIDC’s Sohar factory, in result Vanguard Oman is a positive contributor to the nations ICV strategy.
Internationally Recognised
Designed and developed in Australia in the early 1990s, Rapidwall was awarded the prestigious “2009 Global Gypsum Product of the Year” award and was recognised as a “Good Practice” by the United Nations Habitat business awards for sustainable urbanization.
Environmentally Friendly
In a process that will change forever the way buildings are constructed, Rapidwall takes natural gypsum or by-product, chemical waste gypsum and turns it into a 12m x 3m glass-fibre gypsum plaster, single panel, load bearing walling system.
100% Recyclable and water, rot and termite resistant Rapidwall is the ideal building product for fire, cyclone and earthquake prone regions as well as for providing housing solutions for impoverished people.
Rapidwall is the lowest energy embodied building product in the world today and is eligible for Carbon Credits.
Scientifically Tested
In India Rapidwall has been rigorously tested by the University IIT Madras and certified by Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC) for use in the construction of buildings in earthquake prone areas of up to 10 storey’s.
In Australia testing has been undertaken by Adelaide University and University of South Australia.
In China testing has been undertaken by the University of Hong Kong and the University of Tianjin, School of Civil Engineering in Shandong and others.
At the School of Civil Engineering in Shandong, scientific destruction testing was undertaken on a full scale, five storey Rapidwall building where a horizontal force of 100 tonnes, simulating a force of 8 on the Richter scale, was applied. Rapidwall withstood this testing without any visible signs of cracking.
Sustainable Development
The panels, which are extremely strong yet lightweight, compared to other building methods, are ideal for a wide range of building applications from high-rise, residential, commercial and industrial building construction to low cost relocation housing. Windows and door openings and the panels themselves are pre-cut in the factory and delivered on-site, ready to erect. This reduces cost and significantly cuts down building time.
In the development of new low energy, low cost, environmentally and ecologically sound housing solutions for the 21st century, Rapidwall is the ideal product for re-housing and for new housing or industrial construction. A world class building system that is 100% recyclable, earthquake tested, is cyclone, fire, water and rot resistant, is load bearing, termite resistant and sound proof.
Simply stated it is the best building material in the world..
Key benefits of Rapidwall
- Environmentally sound and 100% recyclable.
- Flexible in all aspects of house plan designs.
- Prefabricated and cut to size in the factory using Rapidwall means faster overall construction time.
- Clean construction reduces potential damage and finishing time is radically reduced.
- Fire, cyclone, hurricane and earthquake resistant.
- Water and rot resistant, termite resistant, sound proof.